Friday, 11 March 2011

Music Video: Lioness - All Black Winterness

OMG... I had to add this too my blog IMMEDIATELY!!

Lioness completely kills this track! The punchlines are disgusting - I absolutely love it haha! Really liking the video as well - although its very simple, it allows Lioness to carry a lot of character and the entire focus stays on her as well as the shots being quite eye capturing.

This is a big thumbs up for me! Take a look...

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Music Video: B Live Frisco & Demolition Man - Food To Eat

Looks like the old skool lot have come out to play. Never thought I'ld hear a current track from B Live, who stems from the UK Garage scene of the 90's and also Demolition Man (aka Demo) - also a big ting back in the day with his sick ragga vibes.

Frisco as per usual goes in, the beat is sick - yea man, its a banger, I like it! Let me know your thoughts peeps...